0, or 0 to disable this feature. # if commented out, default value is 30 (30 days) $new_status_duration = 14; # number of thumnails per page. # value must be a number > 0 # if commented out, default value is 10 $thumbnails_per_page = 60; # number of thumnails per row # value must be a number > 0 # if commented out, default value is 5 $thumbnails_per_row = 3; # number of columns to list galleries into. # value must be a number > 0 # if commented out, default value is 2 $gallery_listing_column_number = 20; # level of subgalleries to go down into when displaying a gallery. # value must be a number > 0 or INFINITE # if commented out, default value is 1 $subgal_display_level = INFINITE; # sort type to apply for gallery listing. # value must be one of the following: # - SORTTYPE_CREATION_DATE for a sort against galleries' creation date # - SORTTYPE_NAME for a lexicographical sort against galleries' filename # - just put a file named gallery.sort within the gallery to sort (containing # one sub-gallery filename per line) for an explicit sort # if commented out, default value is SORTTYPE_NAME $gallery_sort_type = SORTTYPE_CREATION_DATE; # gallery sort options (applied when $gallery_sort_type is # SORTTYPE_CREATION_DATE or SORTTYPE_NAME). # value must be either SORT_ASCENDING or SORT_DESCENDING # if commented out, default value is SORT_ASCENDING $gallery_sort_options = SORT_DESCENDING; # sort type to apply for picture listings. # value must be one of the following: # - SORTTYPE_CREATION_DATE for a sort against pictures' creation date # - SORTTYPE_NAME for a lexicographical sort against pictures' filename # - just put a file named picture.sort within the gallery to sort (containing # one picture filename per line) for an explicit sort # if commented out, default value is SORTTYPE_NAME $picture_sort_type = SORTTYPE_CREATION_DATE; # picture sort options (applied when $picture_sort_type is # SORTTYPE_CREATION_DATE or SORTTYPE_NAME). # value must be either SORT_ASCENDING or SORT_DESCENDING # if commented out, default value is SORT_ASCENDING $picture_sort_options = SORT_ASCENDING; # toggle to display the thumbnail navigation bar above pictures. # value must be true or false # if commented out, default value is true $display_thumbnails_with_pic = false; # toggle to display picture information along with the thumbnails. # value must be true or false # if commented out, default value is true $display_picinfo_with_thumbnails = true; # toggle to display picture captions along with the thumbnails. # value must be true or false # if commented out, default value is false $display_captions_with_thumbnails = true; # Zoom factor buttons. # For each value (a positive percentage) within the array, a button is # generated. # values within the array must be postive numbers # if commented out, default array is empty and no buttons are generated $zoom_factors = array(50, 75, 100); # Gallery icon type # - GALICON_NONE displays the folder icon if it is provided by the used theme # - GALICON_RANDOM diplays a random thumbnail # value must be either GALICON_NONE or GALICON_RANDOM # if commented out, default value is GALICON_NONE. $gallery_icon = GALICON_RANDOM; # Gallery icon height/width in pixels (applied when $gallery_icon is set to # GALICON_RANDOM). # One of the two can be omitted to keep the thumbnail's original ratio. # The ORIGINAL_SIZE value is meant to get the thumbnail's original dimension # if both parameters are set to this value, whereas the original ratio is # conserved in case one of them has an integer value. # Value must be a positive integer or ORIGINAL_SIZE # if commented out, default value is ORIGINAL_SIZE for both $gallery_icon_height = ORIGINAL_SIZE; $gallery_icon_width = 100; # Language choice. # values must correspond to a file extension within the "lang" directory (e.g. # "lang.fr") # if commented out, default value is "en" for "english" #$lang = "en"; # theme used. # the value refers to a directory name in the "themes" directory # if commented out, the default theme is used #$theme = "default"; # header file to include before rendering this gallery. # It is intended to allow you to integrate your galleries into "templates" you # may use for your website. # The value is the path to the header file from the SPGM base directory (i.e. # "header.html" means "spgm/header.hmtl"). # If not initialized, SPGM generates a default header. # Some of the following variables can be accessed from # this file (if using PHP). Note that you can access the # $html_header_stylesheet as well, which is defined in # the theme file. # # Note that you cannot uncomment just one of the $file_header and $file_footer # variables... you must uncomment both of them so the script works fine # #$file_header = "header.html"; # footer file to include once the gallery code has been generated. # The value is the path to the footer file from the SPGM base directory (i.e. # "footer.html" means "spgm/footer.html"). # If not initialized, SPGM generates a default footer. # # Note that you cannot uncomment just one of the $file_header and $file_footer # variables... you must uncomment both of them so the script works fine # #$file_footer = "footer.html"; # ========================================================== # All the following parameters are unuseful if user-defined # headers/footers are rendered # ========================================================== # gallery's title # This variable is accessible from the header file (PHP) $html_header_title = "Taneční kurzy"; # gallery's author # This variable is accessible from the header file (PHP) $html_header_meta_author = ""; # gallery's textual description # This variable is accessible from the header file (PHP) $html_header_meta_description = "Toto je moje album"; # gallery's keywords # This variable is accessible from the header file (PHP) $html_header_meta_keywords = "fotogalerie"; # gallery's favicon # This variable is accessible from the header file (PHP) #$html_header_favicon = ""; ?>